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FAQs: NEPCon's new brand name - Preferred by Nature


Questions and answers related to our brand name change, from NEPCon to Preferred by Nature, as of 1 October 2020. 

>>Click here to read the public announcement on our new brand name. 


1. Why are we changing our brand name? 
Since our inception in 1994, our organisation has grown from a small Danish non-governmental organisation (NGO) to an international non-profit working in more than 100 countries. We have continuously expanded the scope of our work, which today includes development projects as well as certification, stakeholder training, and advisory services on a wide range of sustainability issues. As we expand, we want our name to evolve with us and clearly reflect the identity, impact, scope and vision of the global organisation we are today. 


2. What are the changes that will come with the organisational brand name change? 
Our organisation, formerly known as NEPCon (Nature Economy and People Connected) in the public domain, will now be known as Preferred by Nature. The name of all legal entities that incorporate use of NEPCon as an acronym or fully spelled out remain unchanged. 

We will continue to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate as defined in our Strategy 2025.

Together with our new brand name we are introducing a new organisational logo on 1 October, as well as a certification seal that will be shared at a later date. The certification seal will be applicable to products and services that meet our Sustainability Framework. All marks incorporate the hummingbird.  


3. What does the name NEPCon mean?
Our formerly known name, NEPCon, was initially an abbreviation of “Nepenthes Consult” after the Danish NGO Nepenthes (today Forests of the World), who founded NEPCon. As NEPCon became an independent organisation, the meaning of the name was changed to “Nature Economy and People Connected”. 


4. Why Preferred by Nature? 
The phrase “Preferred by Nature” has been our tagline since 2011, showcasing our mission to create a world where human choices ensure a sustainable future. Adopting our tagline as our new name is the natural next step for us, as we continue to expand our activities to support sustainability efforts. 

Please note that there is no acronym for Preferred by Nature and that our new brand name cannot be translated into other languages other than English. 


5. Who is Preferred by Nature? 
Preferred by Nature (formerly known as NEPCon) is an international non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate. We do this through a unique combination of sustainability certification services, projects supporting awareness raising, and capacity building.

For more than 25 years, we have worked to develop practical solutions to drive positive impacts in production landscapes and supply chains in 100+ countries. We focus on land use, primarily through forest, agriculture and climate impact commodities, and related sectors such as tourism and conservation.  


6. Why is your new logo a hummingbird? 
We chose the hummingbird as our logo because it is a powerful symbol of endurance, representing our pursuit of what we believe helps create a world where human choices ensure a sustainable future.


7. Are there new logos and seals connected with the new name?
Together with our new name we are introducing a new organisational logo on 1 October, as well as a certification seal that will be shared at a later date. The certification seal will be applicable to products and services that meet our Sustainability Framework. All marks incorporate the hummingbird.  


8. How will this change affect the organisation structure? 
The structure of our organisation remains as we are operating now. We continue to run as an international non-profit organisation. Our certification services continue to be managed from our affiliate legal entity, NEPCon OÜ.


9. How will this change affect your digital channels? 
Our domain will be changed to

Our social media handles on some channels have been updated following the new names. If you are already one of our followers, no further action is needed - you will still get the updates from us on your news feed. If you haven’t connected with us, here are the links for you:
TripAdvisor TravelFeed:  


10. What is the timeline for this change? 
Our new brand name is launched on 1 October 2020. Our new website URL,, is effective on the same day. 


11. Do you still use the name NEPCon after 1 October? 
Yes, some of our existing documents will carry the name NEPCon after 1 October 2020 since it will remain as part of our legal name where applicable; for example, our parent organisation name is NEPCon F.M.B.A. 


12. How will this change impact stakeholders, clients, and/or project partners? Will clients get a new contract? Are invoices for services impacted?
Our parent organisation remains under the same legal entity and NEPCon F.M.B.A. name. All contracts and agreements remain legal and valid including those related to certification with NEPCon OÜ. We will continue to work with our stakeholders, clients, and project partners as usual. Contracts and invoices prepared on 1 October 2020 or after will refer to the applicable NEPCon legal entity name and include the Preferred by Nature brand name. Prior contracts remain under the same legal name as originally issued.


13. What changes do clients need to make, amend or revise in line with our brand name change? 
We are committed to making the renaming of our organisational brand name as smooth as possible for our clients. At this point in time, no amendments are needed. If this should change, our representative will get in touch with you. 


14. Will clients be able to use the name NEPCon in promotional and marketing materials? 
Yes, all clients can still use the name NEPCon in existing promotional and marketing materials. However, we will use the new brand name in new materials and will ask clients to do the same over the coming time. Please refer to this guideline document that explains how you may use Preferred by Nature's logo as well as how you may reference Preferred by Nature in your communication. If you have enquiries or need assistance, please contact your account manager at Preferred by Nature. 


15. Will clients’ primary contacts for certification change? 
The brand name change does not include changes to your current contacts. However, please note that all staff email addresses will change to, and any emails from will be forwarded so we will not miss any messages. 


16. I am a certification client, does this brand name change mean we will have a new certificate or new certification code? 
Certificates issued after 1 October 2020 will follow our new certification template with the Preferred by Nature brand name. When applicable, certificates will include the Preferred by NatureTM seal, depending on the applicable products and services that are defined in our Labelling and Trademark Policy. Current clients will receive the new certificate template when they begin a new certification cycle, but we are happy to provide their current certificate in the new template, that is in line the new brand name, upon request.

Your certification code remains the same and you can continue to use that in your materials.


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