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Controlled Wood motion in motion: members vote today

By Preferred by Nature

Heated discussions on Controlled Wood have resulted in an amalgamation of three Controlled Wood motions into a “Controlled Wood package” to be voted on today.

FSC General Assembly 2011

Heated discussions on Controlled Wood have resulted in an amalgamation of three Controlled Wood motions (48, 50 and 51) originally submitted, into one single motion (likely Motion 50) they are calling the “Controlled Wood package”. This is why the vote on this high profile topic has been postponed, providing negotiations conclude in time.

When FSC members prioritized the motions, Controlled Wood came out top. With Motion 50 in first place holding 206 votes and Motion 51 in second place with 198 votes, it clearly remains important in the eyes of the membership.

The high expectations among proposers of the motions met hard opposition from some Economic Chamber members. The latest draft of the “CW package” is severely diluted from the original intentions. Members supporting the original motions have had to compromise very hard on this.

The editorial team anticipate this will give the Motion a better chance of survival when put to the test and will likely be passed today. If passed, it remains to be seen whether it will be enough to restore the trust of key stakeholders.

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