ASI announced: NEPCon suspension decision deleted from the record
Accreditation Services International (ASI) has published the following information on their webpage:
“Suspension of NEPCon's FSC in Russia issued on 1st December 2016 and lifted on 19th April 2017 was subject to arbitration according to ASI accreditation procedures. As a result of that arbitration, the suspension decision has been deleted from the record.”
(click here to read on ASI website)
In a related matter our SBP (Sustainable Biomass Program) approval is reliant on our FSC accreditation status; therefore, SBP was forced to suspend us from engaging new SBP clients in Russia from 6 January 2017 to 19 April 2017. As a result of the publication of the outcome of the ASI arbitration process, SBP has deleted the suspension decision from its records.
For further information, please contact our Communications Team at
Read more:
- ASI announcement that the FSC suspension decision is deleted from the record:
- SBP statement on deletion of record of suspension decision:
- FSC suspension in Russia in 2016 (December 2016):
- Suspension timeline:
- Questions and Answers on the suspension in Russia in 2016:
- Update on the situation in Russia (January 2017):
- The lift of FSC suspension in Russia (April 2017):