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Preferred by Nature Responsible Travel Policy

The policy encourages environmental accountability and cost-effectiveness as we...

The policy encourages environmental accountability and cost-effectiveness as we...

Preferred by Nature Sexual Harassment Policy

We prohibit sexual harassment and any other harassment in all workplace context...

We prohibit sexual harassment and any other harassment in all workplace context...

Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use
Preferred by Nature Certification Chain of Custody certification
Preferred by Nature Certification Seal Use

Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segrega...

Discover how the Hummingbird Seal can be used for on-product labelling, segrega...

Preferred by Nature OÜ Certification Agreement Template

A template for certification agreement between Preferred by Nature and certific...

A template for certification agreement between Preferred by Nature and certific...

Preferred by Nature Service Agreement Template

A template for generating service agreement between Preferred by Nature and cli...

A template for generating service agreement between Preferred by Nature and cli...

Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Preferred by Nature Certification - FAQs

This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakehol...

This FAQ provides answers to commonly asked questions from clients and stakehol...

Preferred by Nature Certification
Preferred by Nature Certification - Certification scheme benchmarking procedure

This document outlines our benchmarking approach and process related to the Sus...

This document outlines our benchmarking approach and process related to the Sus...

ER cover
Ecosystem Restoration
Preferred by Nature Ecosystem Restoration Standard V3.1

This standard was designed to audit performance at any scale and at any point i...

This standard was designed to audit performance at any scale and at any point i...

Preferred by Nature Strategy
Preferred by Nature Strategy

This document provides a framework for us to set priorities, create accountabil...

This document provides a framework for us to set priorities, create accountabil...

Theory of Change - Development and Consultation Process

Get a better understanding of the development and consultation process for our ...

Get a better understanding of the development and consultation process for our ...

Rainforest Alliance Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Farm - RA SAS Farm Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Supply Chain - RASC
Policy on Surprise Audits for Rainforest Alliance Certificate Holders

We support the use of surprise audits to monitor Certificate Holders compliance...

We support the use of surprise audits to monitor Certificate Holders compliance...

Preferred by Nature Conformance Verification Guidance Document
FSC Forest Management
Preferred by Nature Conformance Verification Guidance Document

This documents contains suggestions from experienced assessors, forestry profes...

This documents contains suggestions from experienced assessors, forestry profes...
