Geospatial Data Sharing Protocol For deforestation-free commodity value chains
The Protocol is intended to be a voluntary standard for providing a uniform means for sharing geospatial data. This will allow organisations to exchange geospatial data efficientl...
The Protocol is intended to be a voluntary standard for providing a uniform means for sharing geospatial data. This will allow organisations to exchange geospatial data efficientl...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Geospatial Data Sharing Protocol
This document outlines all the frequently asked questions related to the Geospatial Data Sharing (GDS) Protocol. It aims to provide clarity and understanding for those interested ...
This document outlines all the frequently asked questions related to the Geospatial Data Sharing (GDS) Protocol. It aims to provide clarity and understanding for those interested ...
16 actions to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation
This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.
This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.