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Sustainability Framework System Requirements V1.4
Preferred by Nature Certification EUDR
Preferred by Nature Certification - System Requirements V1.4
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This document is relevant to all organisations seeking Preferred by Nature Certification, encompassing both land use and supply chain sectors. It outlines the essential requiremen...

This document is relevant to all organisations seeking Preferred by Nature Certification, encompassing both land use and supply chain sectors. It outlines the essential requiremen...

FSC Controlled Wood Richtlijn
FSC Controlled Wood
FSC Controlled Wood Directive
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(FSC-DIR-40-005) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.

(FSC-DIR-40-005) Note that the guidance included in FSC directives is mandatory. You need to follow them in order to ensure system compliance.

Preferred by Nature Carbon Footprint 2022
Preferred by Nature Carbon Footprint 2022
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This report provides a comprehensive breakdown of Preferred by Nature's carbon emissions arising in 2022 from all operations.

This report provides a comprehensive breakdown of Preferred by Nature's carbon emissions arising in 2022 from all operations.

Preferred by Nature Seal Graphic Guidelines
Preferred by Nature Certification
Preferred by Nature Seal Graphic Guidelines
Published by 

The guidelines explain graphical rules for Sustainability Framework verified organisations who may use Preferred by Nature's hummingbird seal in their product packaging or promoti...

The guidelines explain graphical rules for Sustainability Framework verified organisations who may use Preferred by Nature's hummingbird seal in their product packaging or promoti...

Sustainable Rice Platfom-SRP
SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation Version 2.2
Published by 

This document offers a normative framework that can serve as a basis for supporting claims to sustainability performance in rice supply chains.

This document offers a normative framework that can serve as a basis for supporting claims to sustainability performance in rice supply chains.

Policy of Association – Sustainability Framework  indicators used for compliance
Policy of Association – Sustainability Framework indicators used for compliance
Published by 

A total of 24 Sustainability Framework indicators have been used as a basis for our updated Policy of Association. Please refer to the complete list of indicators in this document...

A total of 24 Sustainability Framework indicators have been used as a basis for our updated Policy of Association. Please refer to the complete list of indicators in this document...

RSPO SCC Service Request
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Please fill in this form to receive a non-binding service quote.

Please fill in this form to receive a non-binding service quote.

FSC Controlled Wood DDS SAMPLE ESTONIA_ 2023 ENG
FSC Controlled Wood
FSC Controlled Wood Due Diligence System Sample (Estonia)
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This sample document includes filled-in information provided by the organisation according to FSC-STD-40-005 V3-1.

This sample document includes filled-in information provided by the organisation according to FSC-STD-40-005 V3-1.

Sample guidelines for scientific testing of wood products 
Sample guidelines for scientific testing of wood products 
Published by 

The document offers guidance for collecting test samples of various wood products from factories and warehouses to perform due diligence and prevent illegal timber trade. ...

The document offers guidance for collecting test samples of various wood products from factories and warehouses to perform due diligence and prevent illegal timber trade. ...

Timber testing techniques
Guide to Timber Testing Techniques
Published by 

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Scientific Testing Technique Guidelines 
Scientific Testing Technique Guidelines 
Published by 

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Policy of Association 19May23
Policy of Association
Published by 

Our mission is to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature, and the climate. We do not discriminate between clients and partners. We offer...

Our mission is to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature, and the climate. We do not discriminate between clients and partners. We offer...
