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Soya - Argentina - Risikovurdering
Soy - Argentina - Risk Assessment
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Oksekød - Argentina - Risikovurdering
Beef - Argentina - Risk Assessment
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TØMMER - Sydkorea - Risikovurdering
TIMBER - Republic Of Korea - Risk Assessment
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FSC CW template
FSC Controlled Wood FSC
FSC Controlled Wood Due Diligence System Summary Template
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Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...

Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...

Gaminių ženklinimo sutartis (lietuvių k.)
FSC Controlled Wood
FSC Controlled Wood Due Diligence System Summary Template
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Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...

Template for use by clients certified or being certified to FSC-STD-40-005. Organisations are required to provide specific information in a summary of their due diligence system t...

Case Study Programme Pamphlet
Case Study Programme Pamphlet
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Pamphlet presenting the case study programme where companies can get support in meeting the EUTR requirements and set up a solid Due Diligence System. Free of charge. ...

Pamphlet presenting the case study programme where companies can get support in meeting the EUTR requirements and set up a solid Due Diligence System. Free of charge. ...

Press release: Open call for companies in the case study programme
Press release: Open call for companies in the case study programme
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Press release about the case study programme

Press release about the case study programme

Artículo Temático No. 2: Documentación falsa
Thematic Article no. 2: Fake documents
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A guide on how to spot fake documents and what to do about them

A guide on how to spot fake documents and what to do about them

Timber Spain Legality Risk Assessment
Timber Spain Legality Risk Assessment
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Democratic Republic of the Congo Timber Document Guide
Democratic Republic of the Congo Timber Document Guide
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This guide provides an overview of the relevant documents to minimise forestry legality risks in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This guide provides an overview of the relevant documents to minimise forestry legality risks in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

TØMMER - Spanien - Risikovurdering
TIMBER - Spain - Risk Assessment
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TØMMER - Portugal - Risikovurdering
TIMBER - Portugal - Risk Assessment
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