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TMP.12 Work-in-progress - pallet note
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Sample of identification card in case pallet notes system used in production for traceability in secondary work-in-progress process (planning, drilling, mortising….); good for seg...

Sample of identification card in case pallet notes system used in production for traceability in secondary work-in-progress process (planning, drilling, mortising….); good for seg...

Standard Kontroli Pochodzenia Produktu FSC (V3-0)
FSC Chain of Custody standard (V3-0) (inglise keeles)
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(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0) This standard was valid from 1 April 2017 until 31 August 2021. Overview of changes

(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0) This standard was valid from 1 April 2017 until 31 August 2021. Overview of changes

Summary of feedback on V1.0 of Forest Ecosystem Restoration Standard and changes to V2.0
Summary of feedback on V1.0 of Forest Ecosystem Restoration Standard and changes to V2.0
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This document contains an overview of feedback received during the stakeholder consultation phase of Version 1.0 of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration standard and the pilot testing...

This document contains an overview of feedback received during the stakeholder consultation phase of Version 1.0 of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration standard and the pilot testing...

Preferred by Nature DD-14 Supplier Audit Report Template V3.0
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This is a report template to document conformance with the requirements of the Preferred by Nature LegalSource standard.

This is a report template to document conformance with the requirements of the Preferred by Nature LegalSource standard.

Zasady używania znaków towarowych PEFC – Wymagania
PEFC Chain of Custody PEFC Forest Management
PEFC Trademark Rules - Requirements
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The PEFC trademarks provide information relating to the origin of forest based products in sustainably managed forest and other non-controversial sources. Trademarks information d...

The PEFC trademarks provide information relating to the origin of forest based products in sustainably managed forest and other non-controversial sources. Trademarks information d...

Forest certification
Guide to certified products under the EUTR
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Preferred by Nature has published this guide for the timber industry on handling certified wood and wood products under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). The target audience is all...

Preferred by Nature has published this guide for the timber industry on handling certified wood and wood products under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). The target audience is all...

FSC darba pamatprasības - pašnovērtējuma forma
FSC core labour requirements - Self assessment
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This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements.

This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements.

FSC trademark
FSC Trademark Standard
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FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks.

FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks.

TØMMER - Kina - Risikovurdering V.2.0
TIMBER - China - Risk Assessment V.2.0
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Timber Legality Risk Assessment for China. Here you can find the full analysis of environmental and social risks related to sourcing timber products from China.

Timber Legality Risk Assessment for China. Here you can find the full analysis of environmental and social risks related to sourcing timber products from China.

Gender Equality Policy
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This policy is intended to guide us in further strengthening the mainstreaming of gender equality within our organisation and services with a purpose to provide equality, fairness...

This policy is intended to guide us in further strengthening the mainstreaming of gender equality within our organisation and services with a purpose to provide equality, fairness...

Standard Kontroli Pochodzenia Produktu FSC (V3-1)
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody standard (V3-1)
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(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

TØMMER - Cambodia - Risikovurdering
Cambodia Timber Legality Risk Assessment
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This Cambodia Risk Assessment has been produced for educational and informational purposes only. We are not liable for any reliance placed on this document, or any financial or ot...

This Cambodia Risk Assessment has been produced for educational and informational purposes only. We are not liable for any reliance placed on this document, or any financial or ot...
