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NEPCon Certification System Evaluation Standard
NEPCon Certification System Evaluation Standard
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This Standard contains a framework for evaluating certification and verification systems to assess their ability to provide assurance of the legal harvest, transport and trade of ...

This Standard contains a framework for evaluating certification and verification systems to assess their ability to provide assurance of the legal harvest, transport and trade of ...

Case Study Programme
Case Study Programme
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A leaflet about participating in the case study programme

A leaflet about participating in the case study programme

Controlled Wood DDS summary form (Specified risk)
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If you source material from ‘specified risk’ (i.e. high risk) areas, use this form.

If you source material from ‘specified risk’ (i.e. high risk) areas, use this form.

Controlled Wood DDS summary form
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This template may be used as the basis for the requirement to have a due diligence public summary.

This template may be used as the basis for the requirement to have a due diligence public summary.

FSC Controlled Wood
Controlled Wood supply chain management template
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This is a list of all the companies you source material from, and who they source their material from, all the way back to the forest.

This is a list of all the companies you source material from, and who they source their material from, all the way back to the forest.

Standard dot. znaków towarowych FSC - Załącznik 1
FSC Trademark Standard Annex 1
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Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

Estándar Interino FSC de NEPCon para Argentina (en español)
NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for Argentina (in Spanish)
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Argentina.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Argentina.

NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for South Korea
NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for South Korea
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in South Korea.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in South Korea.

NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for South Korea (in Korean)
NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for South Korea (in Korean)
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in South Korea.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in South Korea.

NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for Thailand
NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for Thailand
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Thailand.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Thailand.

NEPCon SLIMF interim standard for Estonia
NEPCon SLIMF interim standard for Estonia
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We use this standard to assess Estonian Small and Low Intensity Managed (SLIMF) forest operations.

We use this standard to assess Estonian Small and Low Intensity Managed (SLIMF) forest operations.

NEPCon SLIMF interim standard for Estonia (in Estonian)
NEPCon SLIMF interim standard for Estonia (in Estonian)
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We use this standard to assess Estonian Small and Low Intensity Managed (SLIMF) forest operations.

We use this standard to assess Estonian Small and Low Intensity Managed (SLIMF) forest operations.
