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Standard FSC CoC dla Wielu Oddziałów
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC CoC Multiple Site Standard
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(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.

(FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1) Sets out requirements for multi-site and group Chain of Custody certification.

对拥有FSC证书的公司使用 "人人共享森林 "视觉的要求
Requirements for companies with a FSC certificate using the Forests-for-All-Forever visuals
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(FSC-ADV-50-004) Advice Note describing how to use the material developed by FSC for the slogan "Forests for All Forever"

(FSC-ADV-50-004) Advice Note describing how to use the material developed by FSC for the slogan "Forests for All Forever"

kryteria kwalifikowalności FSC SLIMF
FSC SLIMF eligibility criteria
Published by 

Defines and prescribes certification requirements for Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMFs). No recent changes

Defines and prescribes certification requirements for Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMFs). No recent changes

Zasady i kryteria FSC w zakresie zarządzania lasem
FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship
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(FSC-STD-01-001 V4-0) Defines responsible forest management through ten principles and 56 associated criteria.

(FSC-STD-01-001 V4-0) Defines responsible forest management through ten principles and 56 associated criteria.

Lista najbardziej niebezpiecznych pestycydów według FSC
FSC List of ‘Highly Hazardous’ Pesticides
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(FSC-STD-30-001a EN) Last updated: 3 April 2017

(FSC-STD-30-001a EN) Last updated: 3 April 2017

Zasady dotyczące znaków towarowych PEFC - wymagania
PEFC Trademarks Rules – Requirements
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This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...

This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...

Standard FSC Drewna Kontrolowanego
FSC Controlled Wood Chain of Custody Standard
Published by 

(FSC-STD-40-005 V3-1 EN) Outlines requirements for a due diligence system for FSC chain of custody certified organisations to avoid material from unacceptable sources. ...

(FSC-STD-40-005 V3-1 EN) Outlines requirements for a due diligence system for FSC chain of custody certified organisations to avoid material from unacceptable sources. ...

The LegalSource Standard version 2.1
The LegalSource Standard version 2.1
Published by 

The LegalSource Standard specifies the requirements for LegalSource certification. The Standard is aligned with the EUTR and similar regulations applying in the US and Australia. ...

The LegalSource Standard specifies the requirements for LegalSource certification. The Standard is aligned with the EUTR and similar regulations applying in the US and Australia. ...

NEPCon Generic Group and Multi-Site Standard
NEPCon Generic Group and Multi-Site Standard
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This standard sets out requirements for systems implemented by groups with multiple entities or organisations working with multiple sites.

This standard sets out requirements for systems implemented by groups with multiple entities or organisations working with multiple sites.

NEPCon Certification System Evaluation Standard
NEPCon Certification System Evaluation Standard
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This Standard contains a framework for evaluating certification and verification systems to assess their ability to provide assurance of the legal harvest, transport and trade of ...

This Standard contains a framework for evaluating certification and verification systems to assess their ability to provide assurance of the legal harvest, transport and trade of ...

Standard dot. znaków towarowych FSC - Załącznik 1
FSC Trademark Standard Annex 1
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Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

Estándar Interino FSC de NEPCon para Argentina (en español)
NEPCon Interim FSC Standard for Argentina (in Spanish)
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Argentina.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Argentina.
