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Carbon Footprint Certification
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The Preferred by Nature Carbon Footprint Certification Standard aims to help organisations consistently measure their product carbon footprint and allow communication and reportin...

The Preferred by Nature Carbon Footprint Certification Standard aims to help organisations consistently measure their product carbon footprint and allow communication and reportin...

Norme de gestion de l'empreinte carbone Version 2.0
Carbon Footprint Management
Carbon Footprint Management Standard Version 2.0
Published by 

This Standard can be applied by organisations seeking to manage their corporate or product carbon footprint in a systematic way. It may be used to evaluate progress towards reduci...

This Standard can be applied by organisations seeking to manage their corporate or product carbon footprint in a systematic way. It may be used to evaluate progress towards reduci...

ER cover
Ecosystem Restoration
Preferred by Nature Ecosystem Restoration Standard V3.1
Published by 

This standard was designed to audit performance at any scale and at any point in an ongoing restoration process or project. Version 1.0 and 2.0 have undergone public consultation,...

This standard was designed to audit performance at any scale and at any point in an ongoing restoration process or project. Version 1.0 and 2.0 have undergone public consultation,...
