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Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities
Guide on outsourcing of FSC activities
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Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.

Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.

PBNC FSC FM add-on Aug24 ENG
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification
Benchmarking summary & add-on indicators: Sustainability Framework & Forest Stewardship Council Forest Management Standard
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This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...

This document encapsulates the benchmark findings, facilitating comparison with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) standards for forest management. It also considers FSC Regul...

Risk Assessment - Estonia
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This document will guide on how to develop and structure your own company-specific risk assessment for Estonia.

This document will guide on how to develop and structure your own company-specific risk assessment for Estonia.

Cover page
Geospatial Data Sharing Protocol For deforestation-free commodity value chains
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The Protocol is intended to be a voluntary standard for providing a uniform means for sharing geospatial data. This will allow organisations to exchange geospatial data efficientl...

The Protocol is intended to be a voluntary standard for providing a uniform means for sharing geospatial data. This will allow organisations to exchange geospatial data efficientl...

Sample guidelines for scientific testing of wood products 
Sample guidelines for scientific testing of wood products 
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The document offers guidance for collecting test samples of various wood products from factories and warehouses to perform due diligence and prevent illegal timber trade. ...

The document offers guidance for collecting test samples of various wood products from factories and warehouses to perform due diligence and prevent illegal timber trade. ...

Timber testing techniques
Guide to Timber Testing Techniques
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Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Scientific Testing Technique Guidelines 
Scientific Testing Technique Guidelines 
Published by 

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

Learn how scientific testing methods and technology can help identify the origins and species of products and commodities and how these techniques can be a potent instrument in th...

16 项行动以符合《欧盟零毁林法案》
Preferred by Nature Certification EUDR alignment EUDR
16 actions to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation
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This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.

This document outlines actions that farmers and foresters can take to conform with the EU Deforestation Regulation.

Overview of PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
PEFC Chain of Custody
Overview of PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
Published by 

This document provides a thorough overview of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Chain of Custody Certification. It has been developed based on PEFC ...

This document provides a thorough overview of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Chain of Custody Certification. It has been developed based on PEFC ...

贸易商FSC和PEFC产销监管链程序 示例
FSC Chain of Custody PEFC Chain of Custody
Sample FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody procedures for traders
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You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

You may use this document for inspiration on how to develop and structure your own company-specific FSC and PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) procedures. Based on the FSC Chain of Custo...

Are you an Operator or Trader?
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This document will help Operators and Traders to better understand their roles & responsibilities in order to comply with EUTR.

This document will help Operators and Traders to better understand their roles & responsibilities in order to comply with EUTR.

Supply chain_forest
How To map your supply chain
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This document will help assess legality risks in a timber supply chain by identifying the origin of the sourced material and the supply chain actors involved in the process. ...

This document will help assess legality risks in a timber supply chain by identifying the origin of the sourced material and the supply chain actors involved in the process. ...
