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CTNFM Standard cover
Preferred by Nature Certification
Closer-to-Nature Forest Management Standard
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Preferred by Nature

Join the consultation! The purpose of this standard is to serve as an add-on for Closer-to-Nature Forest Management in conjunction with FSC, PEFC, and PBN certifications. The fir...

Join the consultation! The purpose of this standard is to serve as an add-on for Closer-to-Nature Forest Management in conjunction with FSC, PEFC, and PBN certifications. The fir...

PBN-13 EUDR-aligned Indicators v1.5 MAR25
Preferred by Nature Certification EUDR alignment EUDR
Preferred by Nature Certification - EU Deforestation Regulation aligned Indicators
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To address the EUDR requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 157 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with...

To address the EUDR requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 157 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with...

Standard Kontroli Pochodzenia Produktu FSC (V3-1)
FSC Chain of Custody
FSC Chain of Custody standard (V3-1)
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(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

(FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1)The FSC CoC standard specifies the requirements which applies to all CoCertified and applicant organisations with respect to sourcing, processing, labelling a...

Zasady dotyczące znaków towarowych PEFC - wymagania
PEFC Trademarks Rules – Requirements
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This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...

This document covers the requirements for users of the PEFC trademarks to ensure accurate, verifiable, relevant and non-misleading usage of the PEFC logo, the PEFC initials, relat...

Standard dot. znaków towarowych FSC - Załącznik 1
FSC Trademark Standard Annex 1
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Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

Describes the FSC trademark registrations by country and mark. Helps you to find out whether you need to use the TM or the ® symbol for a specific trademark published in a specifi...

NEPCon interim standard for Estonia (in Estonian)
NEPCon interim standard for Estonia (in Estonian)
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We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Estonia.

We use this standard for all FSC assessments and audits of forest operations in Estonia.
