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Preferred by Nature DD-09 Forest Legality Risk Specification Guidelines
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Detailed guide to conducting the risk specification process.

Detailed guide to conducting the risk specification process.

Preferred by Nature DD-08 Risk Identification Checklist
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Template to record risk identification results for specific supply chains.

Template to record risk identification results for specific supply chains.

Preferred by Nature DD-07 Supply Chain Mapping Tool
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Use this form to collect and manage information about sub-suppliers and sources of specific suppliers. It is useful in cases where you need additional supply chain information fro...

Use this form to collect and manage information about sub-suppliers and sources of specific suppliers. It is useful in cases where you need additional supply chain information fro...

Preferred by Nature DD-05 Supplier Information Form
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This form is to be used with DD-05 to collect information about your suppliers and the products/material they supply to your organisation. Your suppliers need to fill in this form...

This form is to be used with DD-05 to collect information about your suppliers and the products/material they supply to your organisation. Your suppliers need to fill in this form...

Preferred by Nature DD-04 Supplier Management Form
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This form supports you to collect and evaluate supplier information. It facilitates entry of relevant information about your supplier.

This form supports you to collect and evaluate supplier information. It facilitates entry of relevant information about your supplier.

Preferred by Nature DD-03 Policy Template
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A sample responsible sourcing policy that covers legality and environmental and social responsibility.

A sample responsible sourcing policy that covers legality and environmental and social responsibility.

Preferred by Nature DD-06 Supplier Information Letter
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Letter template to be used to ask for additional information from suppliers and their consent to undergo monitoring by you or an appointed auditing body.

Letter template to be used to ask for additional information from suppliers and their consent to undergo monitoring by you or an appointed auditing body.

Preferred by Nature DD-02 Due Diligence Procedure Template
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A template that you can use as the basis for your due diligence procedure.

A template that you can use as the basis for your due diligence procedure.

Preferred by Nature Due Diligence Guidelines V3.0
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These guidelines provide step by step guidance on how to implement a Due Diligence System (DDS).

These guidelines provide step by step guidance on how to implement a Due Diligence System (DDS).

BOIS - République Démocratique du Congo - Analyse Risque Légalité V2.0

PbN Biomasseproducent standard DAN 09Nov21 V4-images-0.jpg
Responsible Biomass Programme
Preferred by Nature’s Standard for Biomass Producers
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Our programme for Responsible Danish Biomass covers services dedicated to both reporting companies and those supplying biomass to these companies.

Our programme for Responsible Danish Biomass covers services dedicated to both reporting companies and those supplying biomass to these companies.

Podstawowe wymagania FSC dotyczące praw pracowniczych: Wytyczne dla organizacji i jednostek certyfikujących V1-0
FSC core labour requirements: Guidance for organizations and certification bodies V1-0
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The Version 1-0 introduces guidance on the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) core labour requirements as auditable social requirements.

The Version 1-0 introduces guidance on the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) core labour requirements as auditable social requirements.
