Michal Rezek
Michal is leading our market development activities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. He takes a special interest in market development, client relations, marketing and communication.
Michal Rezek is in charge of developing our service and client portfolio and maintaining a high-quality service level. In addition, he handles FSC and Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture services and acts as a trainer on FSC Expert courses organised by Preferred by Nature.
He possesses long term experience in working with the FSC system in the Czech Republic and across Europe. Amongst other roles, he managed the FSC National Office in the Czech Republic for seven years (2002-2009) where he facilitated the development of the Czech National FSC Forest Management Standard.
Prior to joining Preferred by Nature, he worked at Friends of the Earth and WWF forest-related projects and campaigns.
Michal is a geographer by education. He has also passed Preferred by Nature's LegalSource, Rainforest Alliance and FSC courses for lead auditors.
He joined Preferred by Nature in 2013.
"Here at Preferred by Nature, I feel that forests are central to what we do. Certification may sometimes seem like too much paperwork, but Preferred by Nature focuses on companies´ performance on the ground. It's great to be part of a team that puts forests first."
- Managerial experience
- Facilitation of multi-stakeholder dialogue
- Market development
- Promotion of FSC certification among various stakeholders
- FSC Chain of Custody and Forest Management auditing
- Project development and implementation
- Training in FSC standards
- MSc in Geography
- Countries worked in: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Poland, Balkan countries, Russia, India and China
- Languages spoken: Czech, Slovakian and English