
Preferred by Nature 认证培训

探索审核领域或成为一名 Preferred by Nature 认证审核员

凭借数十年的供应链绘图、与土地管理者合作以及全球风险评估的经验,Preferred by Nature 认证充分体现了我们的专业知识。该认证的基石是可持续发展框架,此框架虽然具有普遍性,但同时具有适应性强的优势。

通过基于风险的方法,我们为所有类型的公司和土地管理者提供认证。根据现有的国际可持续发展计划,Preferred by Nature 与联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)和欧盟零毁林法案(EUDR)的相关方面保持一致。 

即将推出:Preferred by Nature 认证培训

我们正在制定Preferred by Nature 认证的外部培训项目。如果你感兴趣,请通过 training@preferredbynature.org 与我们联系。


>> 了解更多关于 Preferred by Nature 认证的信息

forest auditing
PBN Seal



  1. 深入了解可持续发展框架:理解核心原则,探索基于风险的方法在各个行业的应用。
  2. 熟练掌握关键可持续发展主题:加深对森林砍伐、气候变化和社会责任等关键可持续发展问题的理解。
  3. 掌握审核流程:安全洞察数据收集技术、风险评估方法和不符合项识别。
  4. 了解 EUDR 要求:了解 Preferred by Nature 认证如何促进合规性,以及如何根据 EUDR 进行量身定制的审核。


Preferred by Nature 认证项目让你能够成为推动积极变革的领导者。无论你想成为一名注册审核员还是加深对可持续实践的理解,本项目都能提供宝贵的知识。

  • 获得 Preferred by Nature 认证:成为注册审核员,你将获得专业知识以评估和指导公司实现更可持续的实践。
  • 指导你的组织走向可持续发展:评估你的组织目前的可持续发展实践,确定需要改进的领域,通过实施框架原则推动实现更可持续的未来。
rubber tapper

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Synopsis of Changes v1.4 to v1.5 MAR25
Preferred by Nature Certification Forest & farm certification Chain of Custody certification Due Diligence System certification EUDR alignment
Synopsis of changes in the Sustainability Framework v1.5
Published by 

The updates made to the Sustainability Framework are limited to indicators related to EUDR alignment in Version 1.4; the sustainability indicators remain unchanged. The purpose of...

The updates made to the Sustainability Framework are limited to indicators related to EUDR alignment in Version 1.4; the sustainability indicators remain unchanged. The purpose of...

CTNFM Standard cover
Preferred by Nature Certification
Closer-to-Nature Forest Management Standard
Published by 
Preferred by Nature

Join the consultation! The purpose of this standard is to serve as an add-on for Closer-to-Nature Forest Management in conjunction with FSC, PEFC, and PBN certifications. The fir...

Join the consultation! The purpose of this standard is to serve as an add-on for Closer-to-Nature Forest Management in conjunction with FSC, PEFC, and PBN certifications. The fir...

PBN-13 EUDR-aligned Indicators v1.5 MAR25
Preferred by Nature Certification EUDR alignment EUDR
Preferred by Nature Certification - EU Deforestation Regulation aligned Indicators
Published by 

To address the EUDR requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 157 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with...

To address the EUDR requirements, for agricultural commodities and wood products respectively, we have benchmarked the 157 indicators included in our Sustainability Framework with...

PBN-01 Sustainability Framework v1.5 MAR25
Preferred by Nature Certification
Sustainability Framework Standard V1.5
Published by 

The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and benchmarking sustainability that can be used across different comm...

The Preferred by Nature Sustainability Framework has been revised to provide a single framework for defining and benchmarking sustainability that can be used across different comm...


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