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What participants say about us

FSC Expert Training

Excellent course helping to handle chain-of-custody certification. Invaluable opportunity to discuss the certification details with trainers and other course participants in an informal setting.


Forestry and Wood supply specialist, IKEA Purchasing Services

Natalie Jefimova

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humming bird

Exploring ecosystem restoration via Preferred by Nature's training in the magnificent Maliau Basin

Preferred by Nature recently organised a training on ecosystem restoration and carbon initiative in the breathtaking Maliau Basin, Sabah, Malaysia. Embark on a captivating journey through a participant's narrative, as they vividly recount their experience from the training. 

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Knowledge hub: Sharing is caring

Kami membagikan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman bertahun-tahun kami secara bebas demi mendorong dampak positif yang lebih luas. Kunjungi Knowledge Hub kami untuk menemukan artikel, studi, dan seminar - dan jangan ragu untuk berbagi!


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