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Eastern Ontario Model Forest earns SFI certification for Indigenous Peoples and Family Forests

By Deepti Saksena

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) has become our first client certified against the SFI Small-Scale Forest Management Module for Indigenous Peoples and Families Certification. They are also the second in Canada to gain this certification for responsible forestry management. 

The certification recognises EOMF’s responsible forest management practices in Ontario. The organisation sets an example of responsible stewardship of forest resources, emphasising ecological balance, biodiversity protection, and respect for Indigenous rights and traditions. 

By engaging with local communities and adhering to requirements set by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), EOMF plays a crucial role in promoting ethical and sustainable forestry practices in the region.

“We congratulate the Eastern Ontario Model Forest to become our first client certified against the SFI Small-Scale Forest Management Module for Indigenous Peoples and Families. It is a big step for EOMF in their efforts towards sustainable forest management”.

Angus McAuslan
Director, US & Canada Forestry Services and Market Development at Preferred by Nature

Covering a total certified area of 38,892.6 hectares, with 3,156.1 hectares being managed for timber, EOMF’s certification with SFI forest management covers private lands within southern, eastern, and northern Ontario which includes community forests. 

The SFI certification confirms that EOMF’s forest management practices protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and forest health while respecting Indigenous rights and traditions, reflecting ethical and culturally sensitive practices. The organisation also engages with local communities, including Indigenous groups, in decision-making processes.  

EOFM also holds the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) Forest Management certification with Preferred by Nature. With the addition of the SFI Small-Scale Forest Management Module certification, the organisation now boasts dual certification, demonstrating its commitment to the world’s most rigorous forest management standards.

“With this dual-certification services, EOMF will now offer more feasible solutions for individual forests or a group of forests operating as a group certification organisation under a single certificate to sell their produce as certified product”, added Angus.

Community forests, owned by Conservation Authorities, Municipalities, and post-secondary institutions, form the backbone of the EOMF programme. These are working forests used for the community’s benefits including recreation, wildlife conservation, flood attenuation, and sustainable forest products, among others. Different community forests have different management priorities. However, they all have one thing in common, the goal of exemplary forest management. 

Engagement with Indigenous Peoples and communities is an important part of the management and is tailored to the needs of the local Indigenous and non-Ingenious communities. The activities include educational presentations on the events occurring in the forest, traditional harvesting of forest products, and guided forest walks that explore key values. 

“Our certified landowners and community forest managers are second to none and we are proud to prove that through SFI certification”.

Glen Prevost
Program Manager at EOMF 

“We know that private landowners, including community forests and family owned-woodlots have a central role to play in ensuring that sustainably managed forests remain a part of Ontario’s future”, added Glen.

Photo courtesy: EOMF
Photo courtesy: EOMF

What does Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Certification mean?  

SFI certification is a rigorous forest certification programme based on independent third-party audits. The certification ensures the protection and preservation of crucial forest values and benefits for local communities. 

The SFI Indigenous Peoples and Families Module offers the owners and managers of forests the opportunity to participate in a group certification organisation and benefit from the economies of scale afforded by working with a group of forest owners and managers of forest licenses. 

Any small-scale forest owned or managed by Indigenous Peoples, families, or communities where the area in timber production does not exceed 20,000 hectares is eligible for certification to the Module. This certification is only applied in Canada. To learn more about the certification, please click here.

Explore more about the Sustainable Forestry Initiative certification programme here.

About Preferred by Nature

Preferred by Nature is an international non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and climate in 100+ countries. We do this by supporting other organisations and businesses to take responsible approaches. We constantly seek to improve the systems that we work with. With 30 years of experience, we have certified and verified various organisations and businesses against international sustainability standards.

For more information, please visit

About Eastern Ontario Model Forest 

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) based in Canada, is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation that works with government, landowners, industry, First Nations, and non-government organisations. Focusing on managing and sustaining forest resources, the organisation offers a unique forum where forest owners, managers, and users can forge partnerships, share their knowledge, and combine their expertise and resources.

As of April 2024, EOMF has worked with more than 20 thousand landowners and certified 74 thousand hectares of land in Canada. For more information, please visit

Cover photo courtesy: EOMF

For more information, please contact:

Angus McAuslan
Director, US & Canada Forestry Services and Market Development

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